Category Archives: Uncategorized

Traffic sucks!!! Flying cooler & smashed smoothies :(

        Traffic sucks!!!!! Had to slam on my brakes on #Beltway8 and my cooler went flying accross the car breaking my #smoothies inside!!! Soooo annoying!!!

Thank god I don’t have to deal with traffic much, it’s literally bad for your health!  There are so many studies that talk about how much it effects our health in a negative way.  I personally would live in a box if meant not having to deal with #traffic, lol.
~ Jamie 

IV C, #MDAnderson PET Scan results… 

Then Drove like a maniac in rush hour traffic from the Medical Center to my daughters last softball Championship game!

They WON 1st place for the whole league!!!!!!!!!

What a crazy exciting day, now ready for some sleep!!!!!!! 🙂

~ Jamie 




PET Scan, Vitamin C IV, Softball Playoffs…. LONG DAY!!


     Exhausted!!! Long day…. Vitamin C IV this morning, PET Scan this afternoon and my daughters softball playoffs this evening.  Thank god I made it through the the whole day!!! 

In bed finally!!!  Tomorrow resting and working on health regimen during the day until the next softball game 🙂 

~ Jamie 

Lower Energy Today :(

Have had lower energy today and yesterday. Taken it easy at home today 🙂IMG_8466-0

Last few days have been a little unusual but still feeling okay and sure I will be back on track in the next day or so. I experienced several episodes of nausea when my doctor added a few new supplements, which when I am not feeling well doesn’t help me complete my daily protocol. My family was recently sick and I had a sore throat and a light cough which started a day or two ago. I was so surprised I didn’t get sick at first but maybe my immune system went down a little when I wasn’t doing my full normal protocol. So we are removing the new supplements and back to my original supplements where we will add in my newer ones a little at a time to see which one is the bad guy, lol.

~ Jamie

Woohoo!!!!!!! My Makeup by Wendy (my favorite lady of course) made it to day 2!

Feels so great to have eye lashes and eyebrows even if it’s only 2 days!

Even my ladies at the Starbucks drive-through today were stunned and complementing my eyes!!!! Funny how something as little as eyelashes you have no idea how thankful you should be until you lose them…… So many things in life I took for granted until going through this, but if anything it has only made me stronger, more thankful to be alive (trust me things could be soooo much worse) and I know I am going to beat this (I have never believed cancer would beat me, just taking longer than I originally imagined, hope this doesn’t mean I am in denial, lol).

~ Jamie

JG - Makeup By Wendy texans head

Makeup by: